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Welcome Kim Ludwig to the SRSI Team!

We are excited to introduce our new Director of Sales, Kim Ludwig, who brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for the Material Handling (MH) industry to the SRSI family. Kim’s journey to SRSI and her unique insights into the industry make her a valuable addition to our team. Let’s get to know her better:

A Texan through and through

Kim has called Texas her home throughout her life, and her educational journey led her to Texas Woman’s University, where she earned a Bachelor of Business Administration. This strong educational foundation has prepared her well for her role as Director of Sales.

Embracing Stability in the MH Industry

What prompted Kim to venture into the MH industry? She previously worked in the Oil & Gas industry, where the rollercoaster of falling drill rig counts and layoff announcements left her seeking a more stable path. The MH industry, with its emphasis on optimization and efficiency, offered the stability and growth potential she was looking for.

The Conveyor Expert

Kim’s niche in her professional experience revolves around conveyors. She quickly realized that conveyors play a pivotal role in helping companies optimize their material handling processes and maximize efficiency. This specialization in conveyor systems has made her a valuable asset to the MH industry.

Ambitious Goals at SRSI

In her role as Director of Sales, Kim’s short-term goal is to build and support a strong sales team as SRSI’s customer base continues to expand. In the long term, the company aims to become one of the top integrators in the MH industry worldwide. Kim’s leadership and experience will undoubtedly play a vital role in achieving this goal.

Bright Future for the MH Industry

Kim’s opinion on the MH industry is optimistic and forward-looking. She recognizes that the e-commerce sector is booming worldwide, driving the need for automation. But it’s not just e-commerce; other industries like automotive, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage are also experiencing significant growth. Manufacturers are refining their assembly processes to reduce turnaround times, while the pharmaceutical industry is expanding to improve healthcare. The global food and beverage industry is embracing automation and robotics. These trends indicate a bright and dynamic future for the MH industry.

Excitement for SRSI

What excites Kim the most about joining SRSI is her personal journey with the company. She has been part of SRSI since its early days when there were only three employees. Watching the company grow to nearly 100 employees and being part of that growth as a partner in the industry makes her feel right at home. She’s eager to contribute her expertise and continue the journey with SRSI, which she now considers family.

Passions Beyond the Workplace

Outside of work, Kim is a devoted animal lover, with a particular affinity for dogs and horses. Her passion for horses is undeniable, and she’s deeply involved in finding forever homes for wild mustangs. She also enjoys hiking and gardening, nurturing her love for the outdoors and the beauty of nature.

A Favorite Quote

To conclude, Kim shares her favorite quote, “Less is more.” This seemingly simple quote holds profound meaning, emphasizing the importance of focusing on what you truly value and love, and letting go of the rest. It’s a philosophy that guides her in both her personal and professional life.

Please join us in welcoming Kim Ludwig to the SRSI team. Her expertise, passion, and dedication will undoubtedly contribute to the company’s ongoing success in the ever-evolving world of Material Handling. Welcome, Kim! 🎉👏

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from Kim as she embarks on her role at SRSI and adds her valuable perspective to the team.