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Welcoming Steven Simonson: A Visionary in Supply Chain Consulting

We are thrilled to introduce the newest addition to the SRSI family, Steven Simonson! As our key player in getting the consulting company up and running, Steven brings a wealth of experience and a forward-thinking mindset to the table.

About Steven: Hailing from Illinois, Steven is a proud graduate of Northern Illinois University, holding a degree in Industrial Engineering. With a career spanning over 30 years in Supply Chain Consulting, he has been a trailblazer since his early days at UPS.

Passion for Supply Chain: Steven’s journey in the Material Handling industry began with his early dedication to Supply Chain at UPS. This ignited a passion that has driven him to excel in the field of Supply Chain Consulting, making him a seasoned professional.

Goals at SRSI: In the short term, Steven aims to get the consulting firm up and running seamlessly. Looking ahead, his long-term vision involves crafting a consulting firm that is not only successful but also forward-thinking and technology driven.

Vision for the MH Industry: Sharing his insights on the MH industry, Steven sees a bright future ahead. The integration of technology is providing unprecedented functionality and flexibility in the Supply Chain, promising exciting advancements.

Excitement at SRSI: What excites Steven the most about joining SRSI? It’s the prospect of working with great people – a testament to the collaborative and vibrant environment we foster.

Beyond Work: Outside the professional realm, Steven finds joy in fishing, woodworking, and traveling with his wife and family, creating a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

Favorite Quote: Steven leaves us with a nugget of wisdom: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” A mantra that resonates with the innovative spirit he brings to our team.

Join us in welcoming Steven Simonson to SRSI, where expertise meets vision, and success is the destination! 🚀🌐 #SRSITeam #NewHireSpotlight #SupplyChainVisionary